
Make Monday Your Favorite Day - Find the Career that Truly Fulfills You

I help brave individuals figuring out the career 
that is aligned with their calling and purpose and
how to transition into it!


You want to wake up with a smile every morning and feel fulfilled at your job?

Then this is exactly where you need to be!

I help brave individuals – like you – transition into a career that truly fulfills them because it is aligned with their calling by carving out their natural talents, strengths and passions, followed by defining action steps to get you the career you want to feel fulfilled and purposeful.

start flip
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From the synapses in the brain...

As a Core Energy Leadership Coach I partner with you to increase awareness for your calling, create clarity about the direction you want to go, release inner blocks and limiting beliefs...

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...to create Growth!

...to expand your perspective, release anything that might be holding you back, create new possibilities, identify your goals and become the best, fulfilled version of yourself with a career that you love.

how I can help




Career Purpose Finder & More


1:1 Coaching
Team Workshops


“I really enjoy working with Laura, her style of coaching feels so natural. As a result of Laura's coaching I have become a lot clearer on what it is I want to be doing in life and the message I want to share and my purpose. [After the 1st session I started writing my first book and on the 2nd I got closer to my calling and clearer on my message.] I feel like I found my purpose! Thank you, Laura, for your help :).”
Kasia, Freelancer
London, England
"Laura appeared magically in my life when I needed it the most. In only two sessions with her I have already the feeling that my next steps in life are turning clearer and clearer. Where there was dust I can start visualising a very exciting future.

She is helping me putting order in my chaos, examining my challenges under a magnifying glass and helping me to come up with creative solutions to each one of them so that I can smoothly accomplish my goals in life."

Sabela, Artist
Hamburg, Germany
“Thank you so much for all your attention, expertise, and guidance. Not to mention it feels like you genuinely care. It's really moving to me... to have this kind of help.
Thank you.”
Paul, Manager
Edinburgh, Scotland

meet laura

Hi, I am Laura.

I am Career Purpose Coach and want to help you in finding your calling and feel more purposeful in your professional life.

I am genuinely passionate about personal and professional growth and I want to partner with you to create a purposeful, fulfilling career that lets you unleash your full potential and bring more joy and passion into every aspect of your life.

Here on my website and also on my Instagram Channel @bravemindscoaching I will support you with lots of content and exercises for you to find your calling and transition into a career in which you will feel more fullfilled and purposeful.

I am
